SPGR in General


Person - an individual registered in the system that may be asked about in surveys and/or answer survey questions. Name and a valid email adress is required to enter a person in the system.

Respondent - an individual / person that will be answering one or more survey questions.

Target Member - a selected person from a group that is the target of the analysis. Typically this is for 360+ surveys where the leader is the target member and will be evaluated by everyone in the group as well as answer additional query objects.

Group - a named collection of persons one plans to run one or more SPGR surveys for.

Survey - A set of questions created for a specific group.

Query Object - an abstract question object which does not pertain to a specific person. This can be roles, ideals (e.g. "Ideal Co-Worker"), groups seen as a whole (e.g. "Our Team"), culture (e.g. "Our Company") and other relevant.

Global Query Object - same as Query Object, but shared by all consulants in the system so they cannot be edited. These are frequently also translated.

Local Query Object - same as Query Object, but belongs to a single SPGR consultant who can create, edit and use it freely.

Survey Type - a specific setup of a given kind of surveys.

Report Type - a collection of diagrams and pages that can be created for certain Survey Types and produce a PDF report.

Question Type - the SPGR question scale used. For persons and roles, use BehSD4. For more abstract query objects, consider Val_SD4 instead. Other question types available are special cases.

Instruction - this is a larger instruction text that is shown along with the SPGR questions to guide how the respondent shall proceed when answering.

Field Diagram - the most commonly used SPGR diagram which displays the responses in 3-dimensional field with blue, green and red areas as well as yellow and grey sectors.

Agility Diagram - a representation of the SPGR answers which give an indication in how flexible and adaptive the behaviour of an individual or group is.