SPGR Report Types

There are several different report types for SPGR along with various diagrams. It is also possible to create customized versions of report types (for Red and Black Belt users). Hence this is not a comprehensive and complete list, but explains the primary report types in general.

About reports and usage

But first some important things to discern.

Report level - Who is the report targeted for?

We have three primary report levels;

  • Member - the report is tailored for or about the given member.
  • Group - the report is about the group as a whole.
  • Organization - for higher-level reports.

As such a Member level report will contain more information pertinent for that individual, and these can be sent by email. But it is therefore also more personal and thus privacy must be handled with care.

On the other hand a Group level report focuses on the group as a whole. As such, it may be more suited to presentations in common in front of the whole group.

Data detail level - Who will see the report?

While related to the report level, to ensure ethical usage you must also keep an eye on the detail level of the report before sending or showing them. Some report types will for instance list the individual responses in diagrams while others will not, and whether they can be shown or sent to the members of the group, their leader etc is an important ethical judgement call for the SPGR consultant.

Thus there are a few things to keep in mind;

  • Very high detail level reports are useful for the experienced SPGR-consultant analyzing the results, but should not be shared directly unless the participants both consent and are deemed to be far along in the maturing process that the results are unlikely to be taken negatively.

  • Medium detail level reports include member-specific reports where they get their own detailed responses, but not those of others, as well as group-level reports, where in both cases there is a bit of "anonymity in averages". For smaller groups, this thin veil of anonymity quickly becomes less useful, and the need for the SPGR consultant to make educated judgement call as to what can be presented.

  • Low detail level reports generally only have averages, little in the way of individual identification and can be shared fairly freely within the group. Pertinent privacy rules and regulations still apply.

Common SPGR Report Types

These are the most commonly used SPGR report types that are applicable to a majority of the surveys that can be created.

Field and Agility Diagram (FAD)

The FAD report is the general starting point for the SPGR consultant for digging into the result. It contains several copies of the SPGR Field diagram from different perspectives, as well as the same for Agility diagrams. It is member-level and high-detail, thus it might NOT be a good candidate for sharing directly with the member(s).

The SPGR Field analysis maps out relations between members of the group and give a visual image of the group dynamic, roles and role descriptions, as well as the distribution of power and influence. The field analysis is also used to identify differences in members' perception of the group sosial reality (mental models).

The SPGR Agility analysis identifies which group functions/culture that the behaviour primarily supports, the frequency of behavior, degree of intensity and areas for development along eight vectors. The agility analysis is also used to identify similarities and differences between ones own and others perception. Also other objects (not persons) can be the basis for the agility analysis, which for instance is relevant for triangulation.

Group report (Grp2)

The Group report (grp2) is basically a trimmed version of FAD report meant for SPGR TEAM surveys and similar, where all members in a group rate each other and themselves. Member-level and medium-detail, this is the starting point for feedback when doing group, TEAM, TEAM+ and similar surveys, meaning it can be fairly safely shared with the member.

Object report (Obj)

For the Object report (obj) is similar to Group report in that it is a version of FAD report, but this one is meant for surveys where the members are primarily or only asked about query objects, not other members. Same as for Group report this is member-level and medium detail and fairly safe to share with the member(s)

360+ report (360plus)

The 360+ surveys focus on a single member of the group (the target member) who is receiving the 360 evaluation. This report is an adaptation of FAD for giving feedback to the target member.

Spiral report (spiral)

The Spiral report presents Spiral diagrams of the results and responses flattened into a two-dimensional. It is often a useful complement for 360+ reports.

The Spiral analysis presents the SPGR scores given for all parts of the SPGR scale. The scores are plotted over a stylized picture of the "SPGR norm" as a foundation for comparison with the profile under evaluation. The color codes illustrate which parts influence which behaviour. The Spiral analysis give a degree of detail down to parts that can be compared to the "SPGR norm". By using this you achieve variation in tool without leaving the "language" and model you are basing the training on, as well as get an immediate reference to the various behavioural components.

Self response report (self)

The self report is a minimal FAD report that only shows the member their own answers; no data from other respondents. This can be useful for certain individual surveys, as well as a preview report to aquaint the respondent with the diagrams before the full results from all respondents are ready.

NOTE: A survey can be set up to offer a preview PDF report of this type immediately after a respondent has completed their answers. Click "Edit Survey" on the survey in question and enable "Respondent preview report" if this sounds useful for your use-case.

Custom Report Types

Users with Red Belt or Black Belt can create customized report types. This allows you to copy any existing report type and add/remove components from the report, as well as add text pages. This functionality is fairly technical.